Training programs & workshops

Nafsaniyoun is distinguished by its training department. It provides through this department training services and workshops to specialists in psychology (students, psychologists, or psychotherapists), and specialists in other fields such as education, law, sociology,…. Besides, the center provides training for all segments of the local community as we believe in our role in making the world go round and letting people feel better.
Nafsaniyoun’s team designs training programs that monitor the needs of the groups to which they address, taking into consideration the conditions the country is going through, and then implement them by consulting trainers who are specialists in their field from Lebanon and the world.
Since its establishment, Nafsaniyoun Center has trained over 6000 people in all fields. The online recent training programs offered by the center have also allowed an increase in the number of trainees and people from Arab countries have joined too.



NCTB Training program

Nafsaniyoun Crisis Tool Box is a condensed training program that includes tools and ways of psychological intervention during times of crisis, with one of the most well-reputed and…

Practicing Psychodynamic Therapy

This program is a training for conducting psychodynamicpsychotherapy, It outlines the techniques used for assessment,beginning the treatment and conducting psychodynamicpsychothera…

School Community Support Training Program

the SCS training program dedicated to supporting the school community in Lebanon. This program was designed to keep pace with the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Bei…

Music Therapy Training Program

Music Therapy has shown its efficiency in many fields, such as physical and mental health, besides improving the general wellbeing of humans. Music as therapy has been used for a l…

Introduction to CBT

The workshop includes a brief introduction to the basic CBT theory and model, but the main aim of this workshop is to teach participants the CBT skills for assessing clients’ cogni…

Introduction to Non Violent Communication

Nafsaniyoun in Collaboration with ForumZFD organize a workshop on Nonviolent Communication(Introduction to NVC)

Introduction to Mindfulness

This workshop covered the following points - History- How is it Defined- How Does it Work? (Mechanisms of Action)- Overview of Current Research & Benefits- Mindfulness Techniques …

Suicide awareness workshop

Suicide awareness and prevention workshop given by Dr. Antoine Al Chartouni

PTSD Workshop

interactive workshop about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)